
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
BFOP 2020 - Nick, Matt and Wes chat about this years BFOP
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
And more importantly how the hell did it go so smoothly!?
We catch up to talk about the expectations in the lead up to the 2020 festival versus how everything actually went, what we loved, what surprised us and maybe even a little bit about what's in the though processes for next year!

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
BFOP 2020 - Naomi Sherman
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Naomi Sherman is a food photography master! You could be forgiven for thinking all of Naomi's work was captured in a professional studio with lights galore and an abundance of stylists running around, but Naomi is going to show us how to capture her images at home with natural light! Campbells soup has never looked so good! So if you want to learn how to take image of your food that will leave you salivating, don't miss this one!
Serach Naomi Sherman Food Creative to check out her work!

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
BFOP 2020 - Vicki Bell
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Everyone meet Vicki Bell! Vicki might be a first time at the festival this year but after this conversation we were completely assured Vicki will fit right in with us BFOPers!
Vicki's career shooting portraits and fine art photography has spanned over 30 years and won her countless awards from the AIPP! Vicki has a fantastic workshop planned which also involves a competition with a pretty amazing prize! Thanks Nikon!
Jump on Insta and check out Vickis work! @vicki_bell_photography

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
BFOP 2020 - Matt Krumins
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
If its a style of photography, Matt's done it! He also hasnt slept for 6 months with his gorgoues newborn baby Isla and BFOP organizing.
Matt is keeping busy as always this year with 3 workshops! Product Photography and how to do it at home without a studio! How to shoot the moon, cause let's be honest. It's not that easy is it!?
Also, Matt's passion is wildlife photography so a festival wouldn't be complete without Matt doing his Wildlife workshop!
head over to https://mattkruminsphotography.com.au/ to see Matts work!

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
BFOP 2020 - Karl and is Olympus Crew
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Olympus have been huge supporters of the festival and that continues this year!
Karl himself will be running some workshops not just about dad jokes and useless facts but on Planning, Shooting and Designing your own Cookbook and an Intro to Better Birding!
Also the Olympus team will be running their Coffee With Olympus sessions so if you have any questions about your Olympus equipment then you need to get along to those with Aaron!
Olympus are also running a pretty cool competition that could have you walkinng away with something pretty awesome!

Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
BFOP 2020 - Julie from Nikon
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Nikon have always been amazing supporters of the festival and this year is no different.
Julie is bring a team of staff with her who will be running workshops such as "Photographing Flowers with Flash" and "Multiple Exposures and Birds". Don't worry if you don't shoot with Nikon either because these workshops are open to anyone with any brand of camera!
They will also be doing their Ask Nikon Sessions and an intro session to their Z-Series range of Mirrorless cameras.
But that's not all! Nikon are also sponsoring a competition and giving away a pretty amazing prize that you are going to want to hear about!

Monday Sep 07, 2020
BFOP 2020 - JP Ronco
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
JP Ronco is another one of the lucky ones who get to call Bright home and he will be a busy man this weekend! He is running a workshop all about shooting the Tour De France, because he has actually been one of the photographers for the Tour!
He than changes speeds and does an intro to studio lighting which will be perfect for anyone who hasn't worked with artificial light before and he will finish the weekend off talking about how to protect your images when you start looking to sell your work commercially, which can be a very complicated endeavour but never fear! JP is here to help!
Check out his work at https://www.imagewriter.com.au/

Monday Sep 07, 2020
BFOP 2020 - Nick Fletcher
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Nick Fletcher, or Mother BFOP as he prefers to be called, is not only the brains behind this festival but he is also a motorbke and sports photography master!
Join Nick as he shows you how to create professional level sports photographs with just one speedlight! Then after that join him again on and let him critique your sports photographs on his Sports Image Critique workshop! We promise he will be nice!
Nickfletchersportsphotography.com.au is where you can go to see Nick's work!

Monday Sep 07, 2020
BFOP 2020 - Charlie Brown
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
While seen as decent, considerate, and reflective, he is also awkward. This is an exerpt from a bio of Charlie Brown. The Peanuts character, you know with the pet dog Snoopy? The similarities between the charater Charlie Brown and our High Country local Charlie Brown are uncanny!
Charlie is lucky enough to call High Country home and we are all very jealous that he will be one of the very few people in Bright during the Bright Festival of Photography. Charlie is all about sports and mountians, he will be taking us through his sports workshops, featuring downhill mountain bikers and then will be heading into the mountains to show us all the best spots to shoot from when we can bet back up into high country!
Check out his work at www.mountainside.net.au

Monday Sep 07, 2020
BFOP 2020 - Anne Scott Virtue
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Shooting weddings must be fun right?! Anne Scott Virtue is our resident wedding expert and despite Matt and Nicks efforts to talk us all out of shooting weddings, Anne's here to not only show us how to shoot weddings but how to do all that other behind the scenes stuff no one thinks much about. Like communicating with the Bride and Groom.
But that's not all! Anne will also be running a Maternity and Newborn workshop, once again not only showing us how to capture amazing shots but the other important stuff like safe handling of a newborn! As a new dad I'll certainly be truning in for that one!
Check out Anne's work at White Shutter Photography!